All on Four Implants


About This Treatment

All On 4 is a dental implant technique where the upper or lower set of teeth are replaced with
just four implants. These four Implants act as a support mechanism for the placement of a
new set of fixed teeth.

The Process

The “All-on-Four” dental implant procedure is a technique
developed to provide patients with a full-arch prosthesis on the
same day as surgery. This approach involves strategically
placing four dental implants in the jaw, upon which a full dental
bridge can be mounted. This method is especially valuable for
patients with significant tooth loss or decay and for those
looking for a full-arch restoration alternative to traditional

Consultation and Assessment

  1. Assessment:
    • Comprehensive oral examination, health history review, and possibly utilizing X-rays, CT scans, or 3D imaging to evaluate jawbone quality and quantity.
  2. Treatment Plan:
    • Formulating a detailed plan, including discussing the procedure, costs, recovery, and expected outcomes.

Pre-Procedural Steps

    1. Preparation:
      • Potential extraction of any remaining teeth and addressing any existing oral health issues.
    2. Prosthesis Design:
      • Preliminary design of the new set of teeth (prosthesis) based on oral impressions and aesthetic preferences.

Healing and Osseointegration

    1. Post-Operative Care:
      • Adhering to guidelines regarding pain management, diet, and oral hygiene.
    2. Healing Period:
      • Allowing several months for the implants to integrate with the jawbone (osseointegration).

Creating and Attaching Final Prosthesis

    1. Final Impressions:
      • Taking impressions or scans of the mouth for the creation of the final, customized prosthesis.
    2. Prosthesis Fabrication:
      • Constructing and refining the final bridge based on exact specifications and aesthetic requirements.
    3. Final Fitting:
      • Attaching the final prosthesis to the implants, ensuring accurate fit and optimal function.

Follow-Up and Maintenance

    1. Regular Check-Ups:
      • Ongoing appointments to ensure implant health, prosthesis stability, and overall oral well-being.
    2. Oral Hygiene:
      • Implementing meticulous oral care to ensure the longevity of the implants and overall oral health.

Long-Term Care and Periodic Replacement

    1. Lifelong Care:
      • Continuous oral health practices and regular dental visits to maintain the function and aesthetics of the All-on-Four system.
    2. Prosthetic Maintenance:
      • Periodic assessments and possible replacement of the prosthesis due to wear and tear over the years.

Before and After


Patient Stories


What is the recovery time for a full arch implant?

Generally speaking, most people feel back to normal within three days to a week post-op, and many return to work the day after. That said, everyone heals at different rates. But if you follow your doctor’s instructions and listen to your body, you can recover swiftly and begin enjoying your new smile.

What are the benefits of full arch dental implants?

Advantages of Full Arch Dental Implants

  • Restore 99 percent of biting and chewing function.
  • Customized, natural appearance to match your features.
  • Cared for and maintained just like natural teeth.
  • Streamlined treatment process.

What if I don’t have enough bone for dental implants?

The CBCT scan lets us know in advance of dental implant treatment if you don’t have the necessary height and width of bone. In this case, we can augment the bone using a bone graft, which can be done before or at the same time as your cosmetic teeth implant surgery.

How long do All-on-4 implants last?

Most dental professionals agree that patients can expect All-on-4 implants to last at least 20 to 25 years, with the potential to last the duration of the patient’s life.

What is the primary advantage of choosing All-on-Four Dental Implants over other options for full arch restoration

The key advantage is the reduced number of implants required. All-on-Four maximizes the available bone by using just four implants, making it an attractive option for patients with limited bone density or volume. This minimizes the need for complex and time-consuming bone grafts, simplifying the procedure and reducing recovery times.

How does the planning process for All-on-Four Dental Implants work, and what role do advanced technologies, like cone-beam CT scans, play in it?

The planning process begins with a comprehensive examination, which often includes cone-beam CT scans. These advanced imaging techniques provide detailed 3D images of the oral structures, allowing for precise implant placement. This technology is crucial in determining the ideal locations for the four implants and ensures a predictable and successful outcome.

What type of prosthetic teeth are used in All-on-Four procedures, and how are they customized to match a patient's natural aesthetics?

All-on-Four prosthetics are typically fixed bridges or full arches of teeth. These are custom-designed to replicate the patient’s natural smile in terms of size, shape, and color. Advanced dental laboratories use detailed molds and digital technology to create prosthetic teeth that blend seamlessly with the patient’s appearance, ensuring a natural and aesthetic result.

What is the recovery process like for patients who opt for All-on-Four Dental Implants, and how long can they expect the procedure to take before resuming regular activities?

Recovery time for All-on-Four Dental Implants is generally faster than traditional implant procedures due to the reduced invasiveness. Patients can typically return to normal activities within a few days to a week. However, individual healing rates may vary, and it’s essential to follow post-operative care instructions provided by your oral surgeon.

Are there specific dietary restrictions or maintenance requirements for patients with All-on-Four Dental Implants?

Initially, there may be dietary restrictions to protect the healing process, but these are typically short-term. Over time, you can return to a regular diet. Maintenance involves proper oral hygiene, much like caring for natural teeth, which includes regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups to ensure the longevity of your All-on-Four restoration.

What is the long-term success rate of All-on-Four Dental Implants, and how does this solution adapt to potential changes in oral health over time?

All-on-Four Dental Implants boast a high success rate, and with proper care, they can last a lifetime. Should oral health changes occur, adjustments can be made to the prosthetics to maintain optimal function and aesthetics. Regular check-ups with your dentist are essential to monitor and address any evolving oral health concerns.

Can All-on-Four Dental Implants be a suitable choice for patients with complex dental conditions, such as severe gum disease or extensive tooth decay?

All-on-Four is a viable option for many patients, including those with complex dental conditions. The treatment often involves addressing these issues as part of the comprehensive plan. Gum disease or decay can be treated before the implant procedure, allowing patients with such conditions to benefit from All-on-Four implants.

Are there age limitations for patients considering All-on-Four Dental Implants, and how can individuals determine if they are suitable candidates for this procedure?

Age is not necessarily a limiting factor for All-on-Four Dental Implants. What’s more critical is the patient’s overall health and bone density. An initial consultation with an experienced oral surgeon can help determine candidacy and whether All-on-Four is the right solution for individual needs.

London Coverage

We provide dental treatments to patients across the whole of London and have provided specialist dental Implant treatments to patients in areas such as: Aldgate, Bow, Barnet, Camden, Chelsea, Clapham, Clapton, Croydon, Dalston, Deptford, Dulwich, Ealing, Fulham, Hackney, Hammersmith, Hanwell, Hendon, Highbury, Highgate, Isle of Dogs, Islington, Mile End, Millwall, New Cross, Plaistow, Poplar, Shoreditch, Stepney, Streatham, Sutton, Totteridge, Tower Hill, Twickenham, Watford, Whetstone, White Chapel and Wimbledon.

Book your consultation

Every journey begins with a detailed consultation. Our approach is always
bespoke, and your plan is individualised for you and your concerns.