Single Dental Implants


About This Treatment

Whether you’ve already lost one or more teeth, or have just been told that a tooth needs to
be removed, the impact can be devastating. One of the best options modern dentistry offers
is dental implant treatment.

At The Dental Implant Institute, we use the latest digital technology to assist in every stage of
the dental implant process. During your pre-implant examination, we use a 3D cone beam CT
(CBCT) scanner to take a detailed scan of the jaw. This reveals nerves and blood vessels and
lets us carefully plan the tooth implant’s placement. Planning like this means there are no
surprises during treatment.

The Process

The procedure typically involves several stages and may
span several months to ensure proper implant integration
and healing. Here’s a general outline of what to expect during
a single dental implant procedure.

Consultation and Planning

  1. Initial Consultation:
    • Discussing dental history, concerns, and desired outcomes.
    • Performing a thorough examination, potentially involving X-rays or CT scans, to assess bone quality and quantity.
    • Developing a comprehensive treatment plan.
  2. Pre-Procedure Assessment:
    • Evaluating oral health to ensure that gums and bone are healthy.
    • Possibly engaging in pre-treatment procedures like bone grafting or tooth extraction if necessary.

Surgical Procedure

    1. Tooth Extraction (if necessary)::
      • Removing the damaged or decayed tooth (if it is still present).
      • Allowing time for healing and possibly performing a bone graft to ensure sufficient bone mass.
    2. Implant Placement:
      • Administering local anesthesia or other sedation as needed.
      • Placing the implant (a titanium post) into the jawbone through a surgical procedure.
      • Allowing for a healing period, which may take several weeks to a few months. During this time, osseointegration (the fusion of the implant with the bone) occurs
    3. Abutment Placement:
      • After osseointegration is successful, an abutment (a connector) is placed on top of the dental implant. In some cases, the implant and abutment can be placed in a single step.
      • Allowing gums to heal for a few weeks following abutment placement..


    1. Creating and Attaching the Crown::
      • Taking impressions or digital scans of the mouth to create a custom crown (the visible tooth-like part).
      • Manufacturing the crown, which may take a few weeks.
      • Attaching the crown securely to the abutment. The crown is designed to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth.


    1. Recovery and Maintenance:
      • Managing pain and monitoring for any signs of infection or complications post-surgery.
      • Adopting a regular oral hygiene routine to care for the implant and surrounding teeth (brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups).
      • Attending follow-up appointments to ensure the implant is secure and performing as expected.

Long-Term Care

    1. Regular Check-ups:
      • Continuing with routine dental visits to monitor the implant and overall oral health.
      • Periodically replacing the crown if wear and tear occur over time.

Before and After


Patient Stories


How Long Does Dental Implant Treatment Take? What Can I Expect?

In general, a single tooth implant where the patient has good bone quality, the entire treatment can be completed over 5-6 months and requires 4-5 appointments.

Here is a more detailed description of what would happen at each of your appointments for dental implants :

Appointment 1: To determine the appropriate site for the dental implant placement, our dental implant specialists will take x-rays. CT scans can also be prescribed in order to have a better view of the bone where the implant needs to be placed. Impressions of your teeth can also be taken and then so that the dental laboratory can create a customized dental implant restoration. Many dental implant specialists fabricate surgical guides to simplify the placement of the dental implants.

Appointment 2: Our Periodontist, who is the specialist of the bone and gums, places the implant at the site of the missing tooth. The area is made numb and the gum lifted open. Once the dental implant is secured, the gum tissue is sutured back over the dental implant.

Appointment 3: In cases where stitches are required, they will be removed 7 to 10 days later. The area is then left undisturbed for three to six months to allow it to osseointegrate with the bone. If the dental implant is in a visible area of the mouth, a temporary will be fabricated to replace the missing tooth.

Appointment 4: Once the dental implant has been completely integrated with the bone, an impression is taken and sent to the lab to have an implant crown fabricated. Our Specialist uses her cosmetic dental expertise to create the permanent tooth replacement.

Appointment 5: The final implant crown and connectors are attached to the implant root and the dental implant treatment is complete. The crown is adjusted in your mouth so that it feels like your old missing tooth.

Are the Advantages of Dental Implants? Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. Even the best dental bridges and dentures cannot compare to the look and feel of properly done dental implants. Dental implants are also permanently fixed. If you are looking for the best possible appearance, function and feel, then undertaking dental implant treatment is your best solution.

Will I be sedated before cosmetic teeth implants?

Our dental implant procedures at The Dental Implant Institute are precisely planned. We usually place dental implants using local anaesthetic. Of course, if you’d prefer, we have a seditionist who can sedate you during the implant treatment to make it a relaxed experience.

What if I don’t have enough bone for dental implants?

The CBCT scan lets us know in advance of dental implant treatment if you don’t have the necessary height and width of bone. In this case, we can augment the bone using a bone graft, which can be done before or at the same time as your cosmetic teeth implant surgery.

How Long Does a Dental Implant Last?

Published clinical research shows that implant supported restorations have been successful for over 30 years with success rates now reaching over 95%.

Dental implants are designed to be permanent but there are many factors that contribute to their longevity. Home care and regular visits to the dentist or specialist are probably the most critical aspects. However, smoking, grinding of the teeth, or too much pressure on the implants can alter their success.

By comparison, research shows that the typical tooth supported bridge lasts from 7-10 years and that partials and complete dentures last an average of only 5 years.

Will the dental implant procedure be painful?

The apprehension surrounding pain is widespread but modern dentistry has robust mechanisms to manage discomfort effectively. During the implant surgery, local anesthesia, or in some cases sedation, is employed to nullify pain. Consequently, you are unlikely to experience pain during the procedure itself. Post-operatively, you may encounter mild to moderate discomfort, which can typically be managed adeptly with prescribed or over-the-counter pain relief medications. Ensuring a smooth recovery phase and adhering to all post-operative instructions from your dentist also mitigate unwarranted pain or complications.

How do I care for my single dental implant?

Caring for your single dental implant incorporates meticulous oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. Daily brushing and flossing are imperative, just as they are for your natural teeth. Employing a soft-bristle toothbrush, gentle toothpaste, and potentially, an interdental brush to access hard-to-reach areas adjacent to the implant can optimize cleaning. Furthermore, antimicrobial mouthwashes may be recommended by your dentist to fortify oral hygiene. Ensuring you attend regular dental appointments facilitates the monitoring of the implant, adjoining tissues, and overall oral health, safeguarding your investment and sustaining optimal functionality and aesthetics.

What is the success rate of single dental implants?

Dental implants boast a commendable track record with success rates often cited between 95% to 98%, albeit this can slightly fluctuate based on the location within the jaw where the implant is placed. A myriad of factors influences this success, including the dentist’s expertise, the patient’s health, and meticulous adherence to post-operative care instructions. While failures are rare, recognizing and mitigating potential risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, or uncontrolled diabetes is pivotal to fortifying the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

What materials are utilized to manufacture dental implants, and are they safe?

Dental implants are predominantly fabricated from titanium or titanium alloys, celebrated for their durability, biocompatibility, and ability to osseointegrate effectively. Zirconia is another material that has garnered popularity for its aesthetic appeal and biocompatibility. Both materials have undergone rigorous testing and have been utilized in dentistry for decades, demonstrating safe and effective outcomes. Titanium and zirconia implants generally do not elicit allergic reactions or reject biological integration, rendering them safe for a vast majority of patients.

Can I get a dental implant many years after extraction or tooth loss?

Yes, dental implants can indeed be pursued even after an extended duration post-extraction or tooth loss. However, it’s crucial to note that prolonged absence of a tooth can lead to bone resorption in the jaw, potentially necessitating a bone graft procedure to reinstate adequate bone volume to securely anchor the implant. A comprehensive dental evaluation, often inclusive of radiographic imaging, will discern the existing bone quality and quantity, thereby formulating a tailored treatment plan to navigate any prerequisites prior to implant placement.

Is there an age limit for dental implants?

While there is no universal upper age limit for dental implants, there’s often a general guideline to wait until a patient’s facial structure has fully developed, typically around the age of 18 for males and 16 for females. The emphasis for eligibility predominantly rests on the individual’s overall health, bone quality, and commitment to maintaining impeccable oral hygiene rather than chronological age. Seniors have successfully received dental implants and enjoyed the functional and aesthetic benefits they confer, contingent upon good health and adequate bone density.

Note that each patient is unique, and every dental case necessitates a bespoke approach. Always consult directly with a dental professional to explore the specific nuances and recommendations pertinent to your dental implant journey.

London Coverage

We provide dental treatments to patients across the whole of London and have provided specialist dental Implant treatments to patients in areas such as: Aldgate, Bow, Barnet, Camden, Chelsea, Clapham, Clapton, Croydon, Dalston, Deptford, Dulwich, Ealing, Fulham, Hackney, Hammersmith, Hanwell, Hendon, Highbury, Highgate, Isle of Dogs, Islington, Mile End, Millwall, New Cross, Plaistow, Poplar, Shoreditch, Stepney, Streatham, Sutton, Totteridge, Tower Hill, Twickenham, Watford, Whetstone, White Chapel and Wimbledon.

Book your consultation

Every journey begins with a detailed consultation. Our approach is always
bespoke, and your plan is individualised for you and your concerns.